Building Habits to Prevent Trauma

Aspen Valley Hospital participates with local community organizations like Crown Mountain Park, and in events like Bike to Work Day, Rotary Aspen’s Ducky Derby, Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club’s Fourth of July picnic and the National Ski Patrol Safety Month, to provide head injury prevention education, free helmet fittings and free helmets to community members in need. We look forward to sharing this information with you at various Crown Mountain Bike Park events throughout the summer season.

Helmet Fitting

Buy It, Fit It, Wear It

Fitting your helmet is as important as wearing it to protect yourself from brain injuries, including concussions.

Personalized helmet fittings are available at Aspen Valley Hospital by appointment. 

Contact Karen Maciejko, Trauma Program Manager at Aspen Valley Hospital, to learn more about the program or to make an appointment.

Or, do it yourself and learn how to get the most out of your helmet with advice from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

What to Look for After an Injury

Brain injuries and concussions can be incredibly complex. If you or someone you know has suffered a brain injury, these are some of the impairments that could occur.

  • Visual
  • Emotional
  • Cognitive
  • Balance
  • Cervical or neck pain
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Changes in activity tolerance

Prepare to Play

Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury

Bike Park Safety Tips

Official Partners

Aspen Valley Hospital Logo
The Steadman Clinic Logo