Crown Mountain Park will have it's annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Pavilion this year. We are hiding 6000 eggs throughout the park. Make sure your kids look for the golden eggs to win additional [...]
Join the Aspen Lacrosse Club for the largest lacrosse tournament at a single venue in the State. See kids of all ages compete for bragging rights. The games will be held sunrise to sunset both [...]
Baseball is back, Triple Crown is coming to the Valley and will be hosting games from Carbondale to Aspen. Watch some of the best youth baseball players face off within the Roaring Fork Valley.
Join Crown Mountain Park for there second annual national dirt jump competition. Big money prizes for the best male and female athletes in the world.
Second Annual Roaring Fork Valley 5k Walk and Fun Run Saturday, September 13, 2025 Crown Mountain Park, El Jebel CO Run starts: 10am Walk starts: 10:15am Register online at Questions contact Elisabeth Braun [...]
Join us for our 4th annual fall lacrosse tournament. This is a chance to play in one of the premiere tournament venues in the state and see the Roaring Fork Valley leaves turn gold.